We do not want to overwhelm you with information. If you like what you see, google the idea and you will find more. The videos and links below are an introduction to get you started.  You can set the speed so they go faster.


We try to Get you Good information and then You Decide How and what you are going to Do.

Presented below are videos, video play lists, and web links for basic information about fruit.  We are biased toward integration of some permaculture principles without getting tied in knots about it since we are working with relatively small spaces and all things in all yards may not exactly fit. 

In the Phoenix area we have purchased almost all of our trees, grapes and berries through “The Urban Farm Fruit Tree Program”  If you take the free education program and do what Greg tells you to do to get your trees started, he has a guarantee that you can read about.   Get in on the Early Bird Tree Specials see the Fruit Tree Link Below Under “The Urban Farm”.

We have also listen to Tom Spellmen from Dave Wilson Nursery about how to plant and maintain a backyard orchard as opposed to a commercial orchard.  He is very good.   There are other  voice so look around if you need to.   We are an affiliate for the tree program.  You don’t pay more, in fact if you get in on the Early Bird Specials, you pay less and we get a little bit so we can keep this website up.

Tom Spellman from Dave Wilson Orchard

What to consider before you start.  Great advice and another good channel to check out.

Go Here to Buy Trees

See Tom In Person At The Urban Farm Tree Program Kick off.  

Tour of the hedge row, espadrille and other areas with explanations in the backyard nursery with the IV guy.

Mangos will grow in various places but they need some care at planting time.  Dappled sun, not full sun in Arizona and remember this guy is in Florida = sandy soil.  So learn how to plant in the area where you live.  It may be different.

Tom Spellman again.

Growing fruit in the backyard is different than growing in a commercial orchard.  You can and need to do things differently.  Learn here. 

On the Edge of Nowhere

This farm is also a little south of Phoenix and definitely in the desert.  He waters differently than Greg.   Good channel for lots of things.

Tom Spellman again.

This farm is also a little south of Phoenix and definitely in the desert.  He waters differently than Greg.