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These are My Favorites in Order from Left to Right. Each one Has a little different approach and each one may Give you some information that the Other ones don't
Please take advantage of the Speed funtion on YouTube.
Speed them up if you can, Slow down and Back up when you Need too.

Test Prep Champions

Click on the button above or the Column Title to go to a play list of videos that follows that covers the basics of whole numbers and frations really well and quickly

This set of presenters have a complete course that goes from beginning to end of primarily algebra. However, it is a paid for course and I recommend sticking with the free stuff right now.   The free videos are VERY GOOD and will help  I will put up their free videos here.  This first video has some great basic information on Numbers that you should review.

Play Video

More than an Intro     9 min 30 seconds            Very Good        Watch This one 

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More than an Intro     9 min 4 seconds            Very Good        Watch This one 

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More than an Intro     9 min 4 seconds            Very Good        Watch This one 

Effortless Math

Click on the button above or the Column Title to go to a play list of videos that follows the  Effortless Math Program.

Whole Numbers

Click on any bulleted point below to go to a page of examples and sample questions

Fractions And Decimals
Click on any bulleted point below to go to a page of examples and sample questions
Integers and Order of Opereations
Click on any bulleted point below to go to a page of examples and sample questions
Geometry and Solid FIgures
Click on any bulleted point below to go to a page of examples and sample questions
Statistics and Probability
Click on any bulleted point below to go to a page of examples and sample questions
Click on any bulleted point below to go to a page of examples and sample questions

Content Areas To Explore

Michelle Revisited

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Test Prep Champions

Play Video

Inequalities = Good video 15:30

Play Video

Scientific Notation = Good video 1:28

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